Close to the hearts of families
In today’s complex and changing world, we want to help families to develop as such, adapting the means and Ignatian wisdom to family life , the growth of the couple and the education of children.
Because we need tools, experiences and ways of doing things that , in a non-theoretical but experiential way , help us to develop our family life. Just as we progress and learn in our professional life, we can improve and acquire new skills in our family life, without dying of boredom trying.
Areas of action
We identify those aspects of family life in which a presence or action is necessary and there is no one to intervene. We develop tools that allow us to act in these areas in a new way, and we offer them to the church and to society, facilitating training to accompany these experiences.
family clock
With everything and for everyone
PADIS (Pastoral Care for Sexual Diversity)
Ignatian discernment for social transformation
clock of life
From the fragility we embrace the encounter
We continue to discover new forms of mission. Ecology, the role of women…
4 seasons
Strengthening the Ignatian charism
Meeting of families in Manresa
We continue to discover new forms of mission. Ecology, the role of women…
Great challenges for the future
New tools for marriage preparation , incorporating the aspects that really matter to those who plan a life together.
The spirituality of sexuality , against a conception based on norms and prohibitions that has relegated the communicative and celebratory dimension.
Crises in the family: how to intervene from the values that inspire us before it is too late and the rupture is inevitable.
Team Mission Family
Edith Ulloa
CLC Arrupe Elkartea in Bilbao
Iciar Bayarte Basterrechea
CLC in Zaragoza
Mark Morales
CLC in Seville
Marisol Ortiz Torrent (coordinator)
CLC Pere Favre in Barcelona
News in the community
A very lively community that, from the way of proceeding of Jesus, tries to give answers day by day to the realities that it encounters in its path.
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